Å glimpse of my life.
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Cyrus.Ongg26041988 Taurus Animator Diploma in Digital Visual Effects & Animation Email: cyrus_ongg@hotmail.com Hi!, I'm Cyrus and i created this blog to give you a glimpse of what's around and happening in my life. On top of that, i will also showcase my works here, so do look out for them :D
Ťhreshold of Real!ty
To bring joy to those i cherish
For someone to love me for who i am.
AlvinAmritDerhgawen Alvin CarlosBaena DanielDociu ChiuSan idrawgirls JohnDavid GaryWee JohnHowe JonNg MichaelCawood SachaGoedegebure ZhangJingna
BaAnnaCalvinWong Furby Happisis KaT KisukeMiya ShawnLi ShuYin XavierTai
Cheryl Edwin Jobina niico.♥ PeiFen PeiLing PeiQi SzeYa ZhaoYue
Oct 31, 2009, 9:43:00 PM
Update... Well, not much of an update...
Yoz! It's been sometime, and guess some of you, are wondering what's been happening and going around... But sadly, life has become such a bore and my daily routine is just the usual cycle every single day. Will life be this routine for me in the coming years ahead? I hope not.Since entering the second phase of the course, school lessons have been getting more interesting. I'm doing things that i thought would have been impossible if i wasn't taught by the awesome teachers XD Just watch this space for further updates and posts of my work. So till next time... Cya! XD Will someone show me how to love again? Oct 13, 2009, 3:08:00 AM
My Animatic: The Escape
This is my animatic assignment which i did for school :) Enjoy.![]() ![]() So the week's break is finally here, and i can take a perhaps deserved break from all the work from school. But hey, it's gonna be a week of just rest and leisure, with a bit of time drawing and self learning. Now, you must be asking, why the drawings? Isn't it suppose to be your break? You shouldn't be overexerting yourself. I'll tell you why: Because when school resumes next week, the work's gonna be alot tougher, or so i hear. And there is no way i'm gonna allow myself to fall behind. Thus the drawings and self learning. IF i don't work hard enough, i will be letting myself down and it would lead to the end of me. So i cannot allow that to happen. If i have set a goal, i gotta work towards it, and the only one that is capable of holding me back is myself. Oct 6, 2009, 12:07:00 AM
Finally, time for an update!
Guess what? Time to update this blog that feels soooo dead.Well... Something happened interesting happened today, a huge change in the norm. Because we were invited by Gary ( 3dsense *HOD* ) to be the guinea pigs for a few games DVE 12 & 13 have come up with to welcome the next batch, DVE 15. 1st up was this kinda ??????????? game. Rules was to group in groups of 5-6 peeps Each member gets a card, and we're to pick 2 words from this Collect the 10 words and create an interesting story to make the guy, sitting on the couch laugh. Well... We all failed to make him laugh... -_-" (I personally felt that the guy was trying to act all cool in front of us and prevent himself from laughing.) Next up was this pirate/battleship game. Well, self explanatory, last ship standing wins. Oh, plus add in a cute chick as a sea monster and another as a raider pirate. :P And lastly, the most fun i had in a long time, the POSE game. What We're suppose to do is to memorize as much poses as possible and recreate them when the number, which the pose is allocated to, is called out. And we're to pose the exact same poses within 30secs, which we will be snapped to have fun pictures to share and laugh about. What made it fun was that, well, my group only memorized 2 of the 7 given poses. So the rest of the 5, we just randomly came up with random poses and mugshot like pictures. The whole thing became one big laughing game, on who can create the lamest and funniest pose. (not to mention add in funny facial expressions) Will upload them next time, so look out for them XD Well that's all for now, so till next time... Peace out! :P That smile on your face was so beautiful that it was burnt into my memory, forever a memento to you... Oct 1, 2009, 1:38:00 AM
Animation XD
These are the animations I've done so far in school... Check em out :PBall Bounce Heavy and Light ball Ball Obstacle Course Tailer Will update soon about life, but now, kinda busy with school work. So till next time :D |