Å glimpse of my life.
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Cyrus.Ongg26041988 Taurus Animator Diploma in Digital Visual Effects & Animation Email: cyrus_ongg@hotmail.com Hi!, I'm Cyrus and i created this blog to give you a glimpse of what's around and happening in my life. On top of that, i will also showcase my works here, so do look out for them :D
Ťhreshold of Real!ty
To bring joy to those i cherish
For someone to love me for who i am.
AlvinAmritDerhgawen Alvin CarlosBaena DanielDociu ChiuSan idrawgirls JohnDavid GaryWee JohnHowe JonNg MichaelCawood SachaGoedegebure ZhangJingna
BaAnnaCalvinWong Furby Happisis KaT KisukeMiya ShawnLi ShuYin XavierTai
Cheryl Edwin Jobina niico.♥ PeiFen PeiLing PeiQi SzeYa ZhaoYue
Aug 25, 2009, 12:45:00 AM
Have i lost myself? Well, that's what i've been told...
So, i was told that i've been a real pain in the ass since around classes started. -_-"Yes i've been overworking and not getting the much needed rest for my body to recuperate, might die while dozing off at the traffic light who knows? But please understand that it's not my completely my fault ok? :) 1stly, I've got alot of homework. 2ndly, If i fail this course, WDA will hound my ass to hell. 3rdly, Probably the most important one of all, if i don't work hard for myself, who will hmmm? Life is not just about joy and luxury and having a good time. It's about stepping up to that challenge. And my current challenge is what you might ask? Well, it's really simple, it's the life goal i'm pursuing, a life i would be happy with, not contented with. Japan here i come...! Aug 23, 2009, 1:16:00 AM
New works from school: Colours! XD
![]() Red is the colour of anger, welling up inside of me. Orange is the colour of fun, and all my happy energy. Yellow is the colour of the sun, which makes me feel happy and warm. Green is the colour of giggles and laughs, midnight feasts in a boarding school dorm'. Blue is the colour of calm and cool, like swimming in a summer pool. Purple is the colour of arty ideas, crayons and pencils and paint. Pink is the colour of blushing and happy, love and kisses and all stuff that's sappy. Colours describe how we feel every day, so listen to colours. They'll help you find your way. Aug 16, 2009, 1:39:00 AM
Character Design from school.
Thought i'd share with you guys something that i've been working on :)Aug 15, 2009, 12:06:00 AM
So lonely and confused... Not to mention stressed
Hey y'all!It's been sometime and there's been happenings... Well not really. School has been really awesome, but the homework's still on the constant input, and i'm like, doing my best to output. But seriously, if anyone were to join my course, i swear, it'll drive them mad. It's all down to passion and willpower. I've like slept a few hours on some days and it's really taking a toll. I sometimes feel so dead and zombiefied. I've even been labelled a robot. -_-" And when there's in school stuff, there's always out of school stuff. Well, nothing's really happening in my life. But what can i say, life's like that. There are good times and bad times. But there are also the boring times... Zzzzz.... Well, that's all for now i guess... Back to my homework and a boring life.... I want to know how you feel... Before my feelings fade away... Aug 7, 2009, 2:49:00 AM
Dum dee dum....
Be good to yourselfBecause nobody else Has the power to make you happy... I am so confused... :S Aug 4, 2009, 4:28:00 AM
What keeps us alive, what allows us to endure?I think it is the hope of loving, or being loved. -By Meister Eckhart So true in a way... Gosh i wish the homework will stop piling up... XP |