Å glimpse of my life.
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Cyrus.Ongg26041988 Taurus Animator Diploma in Digital Visual Effects & Animation Email: cyrus_ongg@hotmail.com Hi!, I'm Cyrus and i created this blog to give you a glimpse of what's around and happening in my life. On top of that, i will also showcase my works here, so do look out for them :D
Ťhreshold of Real!ty
To bring joy to those i cherish
For someone to love me for who i am.
AlvinAmritDerhgawen Alvin CarlosBaena DanielDociu ChiuSan idrawgirls JohnDavid GaryWee JohnHowe JonNg MichaelCawood SachaGoedegebure ZhangJingna
BaAnnaCalvinWong Furby Happisis KaT KisukeMiya ShawnLi ShuYin XavierTai
Cheryl Edwin Jobina niico.♥ PeiFen PeiLing PeiQi SzeYa ZhaoYue
Jul 30, 2009, 11:18:00 PM
Just a few words for today...
You know you are in lovewhen you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes everywhere in the world. . . . Oh well... Back to my homework... Jul 25, 2009, 1:41:00 AM
What an awesome week... XD
Wow! What a week i must say...Officially started lessons on tues, 21th July 2009, and it was like soo new to me. All the information i was getting was like, woah... Well, so far i have met 4 of my lecturers. Let me introduce them :) John, is the guy in charge of my cohort DVE-14, he named himself as our "nanny" :P And he's currently teaching us in Foundation Art, cool stuff. The next would be Sacha, he's the guy to go to about Film Studies and Storytelling for Production. He's cool and hilarious at times :) Then there's Chui San, she's in charge of Principles of Animation. She's a nice lady :P And lastly, there is Edward, he'll be teaching us ZBrush in the future, but now he's just in charge of Assignment Period. Currently it's kinda pressured for me, cause not used to the workload, but it's still nonetheless fun :) Plus i've got to look after her now that she's in a vulnerable state, such a headache sometimes. But i promised i'd be there for her and i'm glad that i could :) Goodnightsss... Jul 19, 2009, 10:14:00 PM
Some more words... :)
Was looking at a some info, and passed by this phrase that a friend liked:"Winners look at their failures as learning experiences to grow. Losers, on the other hand, avoid failures and as such, they are in a state of perpetual failure. Ironic isn't it?" I feel this is kinda true... Yet untrue... So which am i? The Winner? Or the Loser? Hmmmzzz... -_-" 8:51:00 PM
Say it with soul! + school stuffs and some words :P
![]() Well, school officially starts tomorrow and boy, am i anxious... My new classmates, those i've made some acquintances during orientation, are really nice people. Although they are way older than i am... I'm like one of the younger ones in class OMG... I feel like i'm the in the wrong class that day. I kinda like my new surroundings, the lecturers are cool, my classmates all seem normal, don't see any potential class killers yet :P And there seems like a storm coming soon, so gotta brace myself and do my best :) Saw this quote in a coffeeshop today: Everyone falls down But a champion will get up And try again So i will just keep moving forward, for living in the past will only hold you down and you'll never succeed with whatever you seek to accomplish :) Jul 14, 2009, 1:54:00 AM
I can't take it no more...
He took me for a brother, but in the end of it all, he just used me for his own selfish desire. I lost a brother and i may never bring myself to forgive him no matter how much he changes.So don't bother to ask me to forgive him, for he deserved none to begin with. If he comes begging for forgiveness, try to see what you'll get. Feeling guilty is useless cause what's done is already done, if not he wouldn't have done what he did in the first place. This will be the biggest mistake you'll ever commit, for you took another's sin from your own past and used it on me. That's 3 years all gone down the drain, i hope you're satisfied going down that line to get what you desired. I never expected anyone, especially you, to commit such a crime, to backstab your own brother! For i never wished to do such a thing to anyone, especially you. For 3 years i backed you up and this is what i get, being nice ain't worth it no more. I'm through and i've thrown in my gloves, for i can't stand it anymore & i'm moving on. >:( Jul 13, 2009, 7:12:00 PM
It'll never be forgivable... for now.
A quote from a poem i read up:I used to be able to trust you, but now I’m not so sure I was in your room of friendship, but you threw me out the door I may never have another best friend because of this, and for that, i will forever hold my peace. Jul 11, 2009, 10:47:00 PM
Ambigram: Cyrus=Kyrios + More
![]() I was bored one day and i decided to make myself a Ambigram. And one more thing i want to add. A phrase from a poem i read: I can't protect you from uncertainties, but what i can always assure you is to give you my life and my endless love hold you in my arms even if i am so badly wounded by my adversaries carry you in my arms so that you don't have to take a halt and get tired. I like it :) Jul 9, 2009, 6:53:00 PM
Just a quote...
Read this in column of a magazine: 1 will lose 2 will fight 3 will distress Set me thinking for a day, and yes. It seems true to a certain extent. I just want to know who will win... :S Jul 6, 2009, 4:35:00 PM
New challenges ahead XD
Hey y'all!If you guys should remember, my school's starting just around the corner... This means: 1. More commitment to my work/school in the days ahead. :) 2. Now i got more stuff to do compared to my last few months, can't complain bored. :) 3. Less time for leisure & funz :( 4. Less time for clubbing :( 5. Lesser time spent maintaining friendships... Zzz -_-" The challenges ahead will be tough and strenuous. But from this, i gotta learn how to balance dedication to my dream and work, with my social life. If this someway is off balanced, you'll either be seeing a workaholic or a failure in his craft :P But i most likely might tilt towards workaholic if life is going to continue on like this. Plus i still got that matter on her to settle... Boy is life getting real interesting for me... Wonder what else is install for me. Wonders if this was all already preplanned. :S And my mom has no faith whatsoever that this son of hers, well, will succeed in life. :/ I really love odds staked against me... Makes me wanna give up, but makes me love this feeling even more... I know I'm kinda screw loose somewhere in this head of mine. :P Till then, i think i might go mad or something sooner or later... XD |